Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Book Review: Family Men by Debbie Macomber

As usual I obtained this book as part of a deal.  I believe it was in the huge box of books I got off craigslist for free.  Possibly years ago.  Yes I have that many books to read lying around. 

I guess this is a series by Debbie Macomber of three books all revolving around the town of Hard Luck, Alaska and the scheme of men to get women to migrate to the town by promising them land if they stay for a certain period of time.  Predictably Harlequin-like there are then love stories that follow.  The book was a fast read.  It was basically two stories about two different couples yet could be read as one book.  One Amazon reviewer stated you needed all three books in order to understand the story but that is not true.  I followed the history and premise just fine.  Its a good read I'd recommend

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