Friday, August 19, 2011

Our Day at the Fair

I took the kids to the fair TWICE this year.  That's HUGE for me as I DESPISE the fair.  It costs way too much for this cheap ass and I feel like all we do is walk, eat, walk, eat.  What's the point? uncle used to take us all day one day when we were kids and let us do whatever we wanted which was AWESOME back I let the kids indulge and we went with him this year.

In between pics of the FAIR FREAKS, we got some good ones.

Launa is not so sure about sitting too close to the wooden old woman.  She was a wee bit freaked out.
It was also 8AM! And she was already asking to ride rides and we had been there approximately two minutes.

Charlie in his farmer gear waiting for pancakes.

This is how Launa measures up to the tallest horse.

Two kids in one seat!  He was loving it...even when we slipped between the bar and almost fell out.

We milked a cow.  For $2.

BIG SLIDE!  Charlie even held his hands up in the air like a roller coaster without being prompted.  He cried a bit at the end but I think because it was over.

Charlie screaming and running for his life away from Clifford.
Costumed people are nasty.  That's my boy.

Launa on the sky ride.  Scary.

Water fountain in the middle of the sidewalk.

Mom got suckered into riding $20 worth of shotty carnival rides.


Musta been a fun day.  FINALLY 5pm.


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