Friday, October 26, 2012


Life took over and you've had a hiatus of hearing about our boring lives. Well I'm back so here goes.

Last Thursday I woke to the boys doing some yard work gearing up for the hot tub.

Chad took me to the airport and I went back to Iowa after a four month stint to surprise my sister for her dirty 30 and it worked! You can check out the YouTube video too. I didn't get too much time for socializing with my pals so sorry ladies!

Well after the party, where I MAY have had a few too many libations, we basically spent the weekend attached and doing family things which was nice.

My dad showed me around his new job, we are out at some of my faves-Spaghetti Works, Tasty Tacos--among others. I probably gained five pounds in one weekend. Not even exaggerating. I think the only home cooked meal I ate from Thursday to Monday was my mom's French toast on Sunday morning.

Of course I did a drive by of the old house and they put up a fence like we always talked about but never did. I'm glad we didn't though--it's weird font you think?

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