Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Frugal Tip: Cheap Fun Kid Things

Who isn't looking for cheap and fun things to do with their kids?  This week as part of Learning the Frugal Life's Tuesday Tip, I'll be giving you a short list of things we do to entertain the kids (or the four year old at least because let's face it a spoon entertains the 8 month old!).

*** Limbo.  Last night we took an old wrapping paper roll, shoved it between the doorway and played limbo.  Easy.  Free.  Fun.

*** Story Time at the local library.  I took the kids to story time last week and although it was geared towards babies they both had fun.  Launa enjoyed being the "older" kid who could answer the questions about shapes, colors, etc. and she also got to pick out a movie (Twilight...really? no Dora?) and a book.  She had a super fun time and we only invested 45 minutes and .1 gallon of gas to get there.

***Collections.  Launa has decided to pretty much collect everything right now.  She goes outside and starts a new collection.  We have rocks, acorns, and nail polish sorted into little containers for her collections.  She enjoys finding the things outside.

***Exercise.  Last week I let Launa be my exercise instructor for an hour.  She had me doing all kind of back bends (okay attempting them) and running around the house like a crazy person.  It was really cute.

***Dance party.  We have dance parties in her room to Kids Bop songs.  Of course she's says my dancing is too weird and embarrassing.  ALREADY!?

Enjoy these tips and check out more from other bloggers by clicking the link above to the weekly tips.

1 comment:

Frugal Sara said...

How fun! Never thought of Limbo, that might be a new one we try. Thanks for linking up!