Monday, November 8, 2010

Getting to know Me!

You know those wonderful surveys you get now and again via email? You do them at work when you are basically killing time until the clock says 4:00 p.m. and you can skedaddle out of there?  Well I thought they would actually come in handy for my readers to get to know MOI.  So here goes....

1.What color are your socks right now?          Not wearing socks.  Feet are currently freezing. 

2.What are you listening to right now?              Spongebob.  Puke.

3.What was the last thing you ate?                   3 MUY DELICIOSO chocolate chip cookies from Methodist Hospital.  I normally hate chocolate chip cookies but these are TO DIE FOR.

4.Can you drive a stick shift?                        Of course.

5.Last person you spoke to on the phone?     Darcy.

6.Do you like the person who sent this to you?  Yes 

7.How many children do you have?                 2, some days 3. 

8.What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?     NADA.  If I HAVE to I'll watch tennis.

9.What is your favorite drink?                     Ice cold Milk

10.Have you ever dyed your hair?          Yes and probably need to now.

11.Favorite food?                               LA COMIDA MEXICANA 

12.What is the last movie you watched?   Summer Catch.

13.Favorite day of the year?                Christmas
14.How do you vent?                        Yell, scream, throw, cuss

15.What was your favorite toy as a child?           Not sure. I would say the little brown suitcase we used to stuff full of crap.            

16.What is your favorite season?          SUMMER HOTNESS.  And I'm not just saying that since I'm currently freezing.

17.Cherries or Blueberries?                  Blueberries

19.Who is the most likely to respond?  NADA.  You people never comment!

20.Who is least likely to respond?  ALL OF YOUS.

21.Living situation?                      Alive?  Polk City,  Iowa in newly refurbished trailer look alike.  Hoping to move in the near future. 

22.When was the last time you cried?          I can now if you want.  Its that easy for me. 

23.What is on the floor of your closet right now?         A filing cabinet.  Some workout clothes I was GOING to wear then didn't so shoved back there.

24.Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to?   Not sending; posting.

25.What did you do last night?                    Laundry. Boo. 

26.What are you most afraid of?              Nothing really.  I'm not a B.A. I'm just not afraid - its supposed to happen the way it happens.  So deal.    

27.Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?        Cheese - just had one and it hit the spot!  [I know its a miracle]

28.Favorite dog breed?                       Small, fat, lazy, non barking ones.  So opposite of ours.  I know I'm a jerk.   

29.Favorite day of the week?               Sunday.

30.How many states have you lived in        1

31.Diamonds or pearls?                     Diamonds

32.What is your favorite flower?           to get?  Any.  To grow? Mums [they are so easy and pretty] 

Now, post your answers here under the comments or link up to your blog post with this same survey!

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