Thursday, October 14, 2010

Movie Thursday

So we've just generally been busy and its hard to watch movies with a 3 year old and a 3 month old since a 2 hour movie is turned into 4+ with all the pausing and rewinding.  Its been awhile since my last post, however we haven't watched much!  Here are my thoughts on the ones we have seen lately (or I have I'm not even sure the Mr watched any of these with me).

I've Loved You So Long.
The description is great - a sister returns to her sisters after being in prison for 15 years and they have to develop their relationship again.  Sounds intriguing right?  It has SUB TITLES the entire time.  Ok well the 30 minutes I lasted before I shut it off.  In that 30 minutes I caught about 2 words between diapers, supper, coloring, etc.  I just mailed it back to Netflix because I can't think of a time when the kids won't be here for me to be able to read a movie for two hours.  And most likely I'd fall asleep from reading anyway as the 30 minutes we did see (not hear) looked pretty boring.

Penelope.  (Starring Christina Ricci)

The description of this movie was something like a girl is cursed and is supposed to fall in love but is trapped inside her parents mansion.  This was recommended to me by Netflix from other movies we've rented.  From the description I had no idea it was a kids movie and had a moral.  It was great!  Little Lady was very entertained by it and the moral was that it doesn't matter what you look like as long as you are comfortable with yourself.  PS - Little Lady loves Christine Ricci since she's in Casper so was probably a hit even if it was a dud.
**** stars


GREAT story.  Murder, suspense, love.  A couple is taking the famous Transiberian across the country after their honeymoon and have to bunk with this other somewhat creepy couple.  Its suspenseful and great.  I don't want to reveal more. GO SEE IT FOLKS!


If you know me you know I love babies.  This was a WORDLESS documentary following 4 different families from different countries showing how babies are brought up so well...differently.  (Sorry for the repeat vocab)  Little Lady watched it with me and was fascinated why the one baby was playing with the cows.  Or chained to the bed with rope. Or why the moms weren't wearing shirts and the older kids were drinking milk from her boobies.  I think it was a great lesson for her as there were many opportunities for me to tell her not everyone has a shower or a toilet or clothes to wear and how lucky we are.  Baby Boy seemed to also like to stare at the babies on tv at the time too.  Thanks to Oprah for her plug for this movie. Great Recommendation (see Hubbs she does know what she is talking about )
**** Stars

What movie have you watched lately that you would recommend for me to see?
Leave it in your comments!

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