Thursday, August 12, 2010

VBS Half Success Half Failure

Launa attended vacation bible school for the first time this summer (I can't believe she's old enough!).  It was at the local Lutheran church where she often attends with my aunt anyhow so I thought she'd be comfortable with the teachers and maybe some kids.  Our cousin and teenage babysitter was also a volunteer helper to coral her if there were any issues that arose :)

The first night she dove right in picking out a spot and letting me take her picture when no one else clearly was having that done.  She came home singing and having a good old time.  Day 2.  She refused to go.  She said the girl next to her wouldn't share the crayons and was bothering her all night.  See photo above.  The girl next to her is probably 2 and was probably the teacher's kid as you had to be 3 to attend. The crayon box is a huge community crayon box.  Everyone was taking out of it.  CLEARLY Launa has the sharing problem as she wanted her own huge crayon box.  She went day 3 without any problems.

Day 4 was the lasagna family style dinner and program.  Dinner rocked!  Launa's age group was the first to sing.  Now she's been singing this song all week and has every word memorized by day 4.  And REFUSES to get on stage.  She is crying hysterically when I come into the sanctuary and take my seat.  I at least force her to stand on stage to get a photo (thinking she will stay there) but I'm wrong, she sits on the floor on our cousin's lap and I can't even see the back of her head and have to spend the next hour watching other people's kids sing songs.  Oh and also trying to act like it wasn't my baby who was in the pew grunting and making such horrendous smells!   Oh the joys of our future music programs!

Overall success as she is still singing the songs and we have a fantastic bug catcher to use in the yard with a magnifying glass when this Iowa heat cools down.  She will definitely go in the future. 

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